Reminder to All Graduating Students:

If you are graduating this year, please remember to return all borrowed materials and clear any outstanding charges before 31 Aug 2019. Thank you for the cooperation.

For enquiry or assistance, please contact the Library Circulation Counter at 2972 7332.[...]
Library General Collection and Reading area will be temporary closed for cleaning on 15 June 2019 (Saturday).

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.[...]
Discovery Search, within our website, will conduct system upgrade maintenance on 4 July 2019 (Thursday).

During this period, function of Discovery Search will be suspended. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.[...]
Without affecting the quality of our services, the energy savings activity is currently in progress at the library. From June 3 to August 31, some computers will be shut down during off-peak hours to save energy.
To encourage reading during summer term, the books in the ‘General Collection’ checked out on 23 May – 30 July 2019 are to be due on 2 September 2019.

The due date of the loan item is subject to change if another borrower requests the item you have checked out. The new due date will be shown in patron's ‘My Library Record’ on Library website and in the Library email notifications.

Patrons should check the College email accounts regularly to ensure receiving important notices from the Library without delay.[...]
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