Because of the typhoon Signal Number 8 is issued, Kong Mou Sum library will be closed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Date: 17 Oct 2017 (Tue)Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.Venue: Hall 5, G/FThe workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.Space is limited; registration is required.

Please visit our online Booking System (https://lib.chuhai.edu.hk/booking/event) to register.For enquiry or assistance, please contact the Library Circulation Counter at 2972 7332.[...]
Lucky Draw from Library Resources Discovery Day has been finished. The winners are listed here.
To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival on 4th October 2017 (Wednesday), classes to be held after 4:00p.m. will be suspended. Library will be closed around 4:30p.m.

5th October 2017 (Thursday), the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, is a public holiday, Library is closed.For any further information please contact the Library’s Circulation desk at 2972 7332.[...]
To assist you better, the Library has a trial for 絲綢之路宗教歷史文化研究知識庫 until 20th Oct, 2017.**How to access: Library Homepage https://lib.chuhai.edu.hk/→Click “E-Resources”→Click “Databases on Trial”If you have any ideas/suggestions about the Database, please leave your comments to this trial entry. User feedback is one of the very important factors when the Library subscribes to a new database. Thank you.
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