Subject Guide: Computer Science
This is a subject guide in using library resources in the field of Computer Science for patrons to:
- Locate relevant database
- Find up-to date new publications
- Enhance research visibility
New Books
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
收 錄 台 灣 與 中 國 大 陸 各 類 資 源 , 包 括 期 刊 論 文 、 學 位 論 文 、 會 議 論 文 集 、 電 子 書 等 全 文 資 料 。 收 錄 主 題 含 人 文 學 、 社 會 科 學 、 自 然 科 學 、 應 用 科 學 、 醫 學 生 命 科 學 。
CEPS 期 刊 論 文 & 會 議 論 文 集 : 收 錄 台 灣 近 75% 的 學 術 及 指 標 性 期 刊 與 大 陸 核 心 期 刊 , 共 逾 4,980 多 種 、 265 萬 多 篇 電 子 全 文 , 全 文 率 達 97% 。 收 錄 年 代 至 1991 年 起 。
Includes thousands of Chinese journals in the humanities and social sciences from mainland China.
Engineering Source offers more than 3000 full text titles in engineering, computer science and related areas. It is designed for corporate reference customers, and will be offered as a standalone database, or in conjunction with EDS.
The CSDL provides a variety of high-quality, peer-reviewed, scholarly journals and topical magazines in all aspects of computer science, computer engineering, technology and applications.
- Advances in electrical and computer engineering
- AI Communications
- Algebra and Logic
- Algorithms
- Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
- Communications of the ACM
- Computational intelligence
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- IEEE Internet computing
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics
- International Journal of Computer Vision
- International journal of human-computer interaction
- Journal of artificial intelligence research
- Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence
- Journal of machine learning research
- Journal of statistical software
- Machine Learning
- Neural Computation
AccessEngineering is an award-winning engineering reference tool for professionals, academics, and students. It provides more than 10,000 book titles relating to computer science.
Offers cross-searchable access to a multidisciplinary library of over 4,500 high quality e-books. Subjects vary from humanities and social sciences to arts and performances.
Gale Virtual Reference Library offers you a collection of premier reference books that you can view and search online.
Hyread Ebooks offer Chinese books published in Taiwan with subjects covering literature and fiction, business and economics, social sciences, technology and medicines, language learning, and biography, etc.
Pearson is a leader in all academic sectors especially the higher education through textbooks, online resources, higher education services and professional development and learning.
Provides access to E-books from a range of publishers, and covering a wide range of subjects.
Wiley Online Library hosts the world’s broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources.
Dissertations & Theses
收 錄 自 1977 年 以 來 國 內 各 學 科 領 域 的 博 士 、 碩 士 研 究 生 論 文 。
收 錄 台 灣 大 學 ( 2004 年 起 ) 、 成 大 、 清 大 、 交 大 、 淡 江 大 學 等 50 多 所 學 校 學 位 論 文 , 提 供 全 方 位 服 務 。 收 錄 年 代 至 2004 年 起 。
Quick Guide
Patrons may follow the following Library of Congress Classification Numbers on the book shelves to search the subjects related to Computer Science:
Major Subject | LC Class |
Computer Engineering | TK7885-7895 |
Computer science. Electronic Data Processing | QA75.5-76.95 |
Cybernetics. Information Theory | Q300-385 |
Engineering Economy | TA177.4-185 |
Patents. Trademarks | T201-342 |
Production Management | TS155-194 |
Patron may search for other useful library resources with the following user guides:
Professional Organizations
“nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and theirembodiment in machines.”
“world’s largest educational and scientific computing society”
“maintained a very close and mutually respected relationship with other ICT professional bodies within Hong Kong and China.”
“first and largest well-recognized non-profit organization focused on developing Hong Kong’s Information Technology (IT) profession and industry”
“world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity”
“world’s top member organization dedicated to computer science and technology”
“registered international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Computer Science and Information Technology”
Useful Websites
An open-access archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics.
A free distribution platform for materials used in the teaching of almost all subjects from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
A nonprofit organization for managing and promoting the Open Source Definition (OSD).
A charitable organization that provides an established framework for Apache community to develop freely available enterprise-grade software.
An non-profit organization that advances the use of open standards by providing educational information, discussion areas, and collaborative resources.