The special exhibition of Leisure Readings held from 7 June to 25 June 2021, has been successfully conducted. Thank you for the support. The selected titles are shown below:

餐桌上的中世紀冷笑話 : 耶魯歷史學家破解古典歐洲怪誕生活

The special exhibition of Belt and Road Studies held from 8 February to 26 February 2021, has been successfully conducted. Thank you for the support. The selected titles with subjects in Belt and Road Studies, Geopolitics and Multinational Business Management, Eurasia Economic and Greater Bay Area Development at the exhibition are shown below:


帶路 : 通過鏡頭探索一帶一路的商機, 風貌, 人情[...]
The special exhibition of Architecture and Civil Engineering held from 2 December to 23 December 2020, has been successfully conducted. Thank you for the support. The selected titles with subjects in Architecture and Civil Engineering respectively at the exhibition are shown below:

Aaron G. Green : organic architecture beyond Frank Lloyd Wright

Construction planning, equipment, and methods[...]
The special exhibition of Finance held from 9 November to 30 November 2020, has been successfully conducted. Thank you for the support. The selected titles with subjects in Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Insurance, Financial Econometrics at the exhibition are shown below:

Practical financial management

Options, futures, and other derivatives[...]
The special exhibition of Business Administration held from 11 August to 31 August 2020, has been successfully conducted. Thank you for the support. The selected titles with subjects in Strategic Management, Managerial Economics, Global Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the exhibition are shown below:

Financial management : theory & practice

Horngren’s accounting : the managerial chapters[...]
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