EBSCOhost Search Competition

EBSCO, provider of the EBSCOhost databases for the Library, is currently holding a search competition to promote the use of their journal databases in conducting literature review for academic research. To join the competition, visit the webpage and complete the three search prompts related to academic studies on depression by uploading relevant full-text search results from the EBSCOhost databases. Prizes will be awarded to winners of a lucky draw among qualified submissions through random selection.

The competition is open to all students and faculty members of the College and will close on 31st December 2020. List of winners will be announced on 10th January 2021. More details on the competition are available at this link.

Library Workshop – E-Resources on Finance (25 Nov 2020)

A virtual library workshop for the discipline of Finance will be organised by the Library on 25 November 2020 (Wednesday) from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. It will demonstrate how you can use the electronic resources available through the Library to support your learning and research activities, covering functions such as:

• Discovery Search
• Navigating e-books and databases by subject
• Advanced search features e.g. Boolean Operators

The workshop will be conducted via Zoom; click HERE to register for your place.

For enquiries and assistance, please contact the Library at infolib@chuhai.edu.hk or 2972 7332 during opening hours.

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