新增數據庫 閱 讀 數 量 (3,219)
[消 息] on 十月 3, 2018

圖書館欣然新提供兩個訂閱的EBSCOhost數據庫 – ‘eBook Subscription Harvard Business Publishing Collection’ and ‘EconLit with Full Text’。

eBook Subscription Harvard Business Publishing Collection

The Harvard Business Review Press eBook Collection includes more than 550 titles suitable for readers at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

EconLit with Full Text

As the most reliable full-text source for economic research, this database offers full text for hundreds of journals including the American Economic Association journals with no embargo. In addition to full-text coverage, the database contains indexing and abstracts for economic journals.

**如何訪問:圖書館主頁 https://lib.chuhai.edu.hk/
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